A piece of intertube about the Clojure programming language, algorithms and artificial intelligence.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Updating Clojure namespaces

Continuing my experimentations with Emacs Lisp, I created a function that automatically updates the namespace of a Clojure buffer in conformity with its pathname. This is useful after renaming a file, since changing a file pathname requires to change its namespace, which is sometimes annoying to do by hand.
(defun clojure-correct-ns
"Returns the namespace name that the file should have."
(let* ((nsname ())
(dirs (reverse (split-string (buffer-file-name) "/")))
(aftersrc nil))
(dolist (dir dirs)
(when (not aftersrc)
(if (or (string= dir "src") (string= dir "test"))
(setq aftersrc t)
(setq nsname (append nsname (list dir "."))))))
(when nsname
(replace-regexp-in-string "_" "-" (substring (apply 'concat (reverse nsname)) 1 -4)))))
(defun clojure-update-ns
"Updates the namespace of the current buffer. Useful if a file has been renamed."
(let ((nsname (clojure-correct-ns)))
(when nsname
(clojure-find-ns) ;; function defined in clojure-mode
(replace-match nsname nil nil nil 4))))
view raw gistfile1.el hosted with ❤ by GitHub
Once added to your .emacs file, you can call it with:
M-x clojure-update-ns

It assumes clojure-mode is already loaded.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Earmuffs and variables

According to the Clojure coding standards for libraries, variables names should be written with *earmuffs* only when they are intended to be rebind.

Here and there I forget this rule and use earmuffs most of the time, so I decided to create an Emacs Lisp function to add/remove earmuffs to variable:

(defun earmuffy (&optional arg)
(interactive "P")
(let* ((variable (thing-at-point 'sexp))
(bounds (bounds-of-thing-at-point 'sexp))
(current-point (point))
(earmuffed-variable (concat "*" variable "*")))
(kill-region (car bounds) (cdr bounds))
(if arg
;; unearmuffy
(insert (substring variable 1 (- (length variable) 1)))
(goto-char (- current-point 1)))
;; earmuffy
(insert earmuffed-variable)
(goto-char (+ current-point 1))))))
view raw earmuffy hosted with ❤ by GitHub

Add it to your .emacs file and then place your cursor on a variable and call it with
M-x earmuffy
to add earmuffs, or type
C-u M-x earmuffy
to remove them.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Dear language designers, do not forget Ada

These last days I took some time to refresh my old memories of the Ada language. While Ada, like all languages, has defaults on its own I'm still very impressed by some functionalities it offers and that current mainstream languages still don't have. Most of these functionalities are there since the first standardized version in 1983 (since then the language standard was extended in 1995, 2005 and the next version is expected for 2012).

The first impressive future is about primitive types. Here are some of the types defined in Ada and their C equivalent (taken from [1]):

Ada TypeDescriptionC Equivalent
CharacterA single characterchar
IntegerAn integer (32-bit) numberint
NaturalZero or positive integer-
PositiveA positive integer-
Long_IntegerA big integer (same as long in Gcc)long (same as int in Gcc)
Long_Long_IntegerA really big (64-bit) integerlong long
Short_IntegerA small (16-bit) integershort
Short_Short_IntegerA really small (8-bit) integerchar
FloatA real numberfloat
Long_FloatA big real numberdouble
Long_Long_FloatA really big real numberlong double
Short_FloatA smaller real number?
FixedA fixed-point real number-
StringAn Ada fixed-length stringchar array

Boolean types are also provided. New types are defined and type safety is guaranteed. Here we define a new type based on a Long_Float and a variable of this type:
type Speed is new Long_Float;

Speedy_Gonzales_Speed : Speed;

Since Speed is a new type, it is not a Long_Float and thus assignment from a Long_Float value to a Speed variable is forbidden:
X : Long_float := 300.0; 
Speedy_Gonzales_Speed := X;
The compiler effectively gives an error:

expected type "Speed" defined at line 6
found type "Standard.Long_Float"

When it makes sense, we can define a subtype of another primitive type. Assignments between types and their subtypes is allowed. Here we define the type Degree which is a subtype of Float:
subtype Degree is Long_Float;

Oven_Temperature : Degree;
Y : Long_Float := 255.0;

Oven_Temperature := Y;

Types can be constrained with a range definition (taken from [2]):
type Degrees is new Float range -273.15 .. Float'Last;

This allow a Degrees variable to range from -273.15 (absolute zero) to the last value allowed by a Float.

This strong typing provides safety and contrasts with what is seen in current mainstream programming languages. Languages like Java don't provide rich primitive types (there are for instance no unsigned integer in Java!) and require the programmer to define its own cumbersome classes if he wants new types (which poses readability problems if the types are new number types and the language does not support operator overloading). Some languages like C don't even bother so much about type conversion: a float can be assigned to an integer. This leads to solutions which are far from being satisfying (see for instance C FAQ - round).

A lot of other possibilities are offered to the Ada programmer, for instance decimal types can be defined with their precision. The precision is then guaranteed by the compiler:
type money is delta 0.01 digits 18;
Ada also supports multidimensional arrays, bit-level memory access, definition of memory pool, concurrency programming in a task-oriented way, object-oriented programming, generic packages etc.

At another level Scheme and Common Lisp supports a numeric towel. For example, 3 is an integer. Therefore 3 is also a rational, a real, and a complex (example from the Scheme standard).

;; in Scheme:
> (rational? (/ 1 5))
> (rational? 3)
> (real? 3)
While this discussion may not make so much sense for dynamic languages such as Clojure, I think new languages being designed, which are not dynamically typed, could really benefit of having such rich primitives types. A complex type systems like the one from ML or Haskell is not needed for this purpose and primitives types is the most basic and most used feature of a programming language, so dear languages designers, next time, have a small thought for Ada.

[1] http://www.pegasoft.ca/resources/boblap/book.html
[2] http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Ada_Programming

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Fed up with typing ns declarations?

While watching the demonstration video of the Play framework, I saw that the developer had some nice templates for its TextMate editor. A few Google searches tells us that it is also possible to have the same functionality in Emacs with the YASnippet template system.

Typing all these long namespaces declarations in Clojure is quickly boring when you create a lot of files, so why not create a template for that?

After having installed YASnippet, create a clojure-mode directory inside the yasnippet/snippets/text-mode directory and create a file named ns with this content:

(ns `(let* ((nsname '())
        (dirs (split-string (buffer-file-name) "/"))
        (aftersrc nil))
     (dolist (dir dirs)
        (if aftersrc
                (setq nsname (cons dir nsname))
                (setq nsname (cons "." nsname)))
             (when (or (string= dir "src") (string= dir "test"))
                (setq aftersrc t))))
     (when nsname
       (replace-regexp-in-string "_" "-" (substring (apply 'concat (reverse nsname))  0 -5))))`
     (:use $1)
     (:require ))

Now, when inside a Clojure buffer type "ns" and TAB to complete ; if you are for instance in the src/mylib/utils/swing_stuff.clj buffer, this will be expanded into the following text:
(ns mylib.utils.swing-stuff
  (:use )
  (:require ))

Isn't that handy?

Note: this is my first hack with Emacs Lisp, and now that it is working I'm publishing it without any further improvements, so be indulgent regarding the implementation!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Ray tracing, once again

There are already several implementations of simple raytracers in Clojure on the Web but I couldn't resist implementing one for myself! It is based on the one of the book Ansi Common Lisp by Paul Graham.

Nothing particular, just perhaps the use of protocols for the dispatch of the normal, color and intersect functions and some code for displaying spirals.

Code is available here: GitHub Kototama
